Paul H. Earley, M.D., FASAM

Is an Addiction Medicine Physician who treats all types of addictive diseases. He has over 30 years of experience in the treatment of addiction, with a specialty in the assessment and treatment of addiction in health care professionals. Dr. Earley also works with patients already in recovery, providing long term therapy for those who suffer from addiction. Click the Contact Us icon on your right to contact Dr. Earley and his staff.

Dr. Earley is a dynamic speaker and educator; he speaks and trains on topics of addiction, its treatment and addiction among health care professionals. In addition he trains therapists in addiction treatment and in the neurobiology of psychotherapy. In his travels, he has provided addiction training in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Switzerland. His work was featured in one part of documentary series on addiction entitled Close to Home by Bill Moyers. Dr. Earley is a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and continues on the board of ASAM for over 10 years in several capacities. Dr. Earley has developed and run several world class treatment programs during his career. Currently, he is a consultant in Addiction Medicine with expertise in helping organizations focus on effective addiction care. He also shares a private practice with his wife Wanda Faurie, Ph.D. in Atlanta, Georgia. His professional expertise extends to advocacy for professionals before courts, professional agencies and licensing boards across the United States.

Dr. Earley is the President of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the President of the Federation of State Physician Health Programs.

Welcome to our Alumni program! 😀

Hi everyone! I hope you’re having a happy holiday season.

The alumni will only meet once this month on Thursday, December 19th, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM EST. 

For those of you who still need to sign up for Alumni, you can do so for $20, which includes a link for participation.

Please use the following PayPal link: everyone! 

From Esther Helga
Thank you, Jessica Randal, for your incredible lecture on working with Bariatric surgery patients this past month.
Those who missed it can view the recording on the Infact Moodle platform. 
Our alumni, Mike Featherston, will do a trigger-free cooking class on Thursday, January 16th. 
Tina Meals has agreed to do a session on the Two-Way-Prayer in the new year.
We decided to have Alumni give short introductions at the beginning of the supervision session and then discuss client issues.

To sign up for the Alumni, click the link: 
and send an email to
The price for a year is $200.
You can also pay $20 every month.
Those signing up for the Alumni Community this year will have access to the Infact Moodle student platform and Infact 2024-25 cohort lectures and the opportunity to attend sessions and hear our excellent teachers and lecturers.

You'll receive group supervision sessions on the third Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. EST and the fourth Monday at 10 a.m. EST.

✅Monthly lectures: Mike Featherston will teach a cooking class for us in January, and Tina Meals will talk about the Two-Way-Prayer.
✅ Full Access to our Accessive Moodle student platform with essential resources and a forum for continued support.
✅ Half-price off for a private session with Esther Helga.
✅Half-price off the 8-week Treatment & Recovery Practicum course for experiencing outpatient treatment; learn by doing. The next one begins on April 3rd, 2025.
✅ Access to Alumni and their expertise. 

Please let us know if you want to lecture on any subject, and we will sign you up.

If you'd like to take advantage of this opportunity, please send your name and email to We will then send you a payment link.
Secure your spot today and embark on this life-changing journey!

Esther Helga Guðmundsdóttir

Are you interested in discovering if you are a food addict?

The INFACT School now offers you access to a free diagnostic tool called the Yale Scale. If you’re curious to find out whether you might have a food addiction or just keen to see the self-report measure in action, you can complete the questionnaire below.

Once you complete the questionnaire, we will be in touch with the next steps to help you in your recovery process.

Complete questionnaire
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