What is the Infact school?

The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (The INFACT School) is the world’s first and only Food Addiction counseling training that awards professional certification from an accredited certification body.

Graduates qualify to receive a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) certificate from the European Certification Board and a CFAP certificate from the The Addiction Professionals Certification Board.

„We teach Validated Addiction Model Treatment Methods. No other Traning for Food Addiction offers anything comparable” explains INFACT’s Director, Esther H. Gudmundsdottir, MSc.

The INFACT Food Addiction Treatment Certification Program for certification as a Food Addiction Professional (CFAP), is taught by a panel of international experts on the forefront of food addiction, counceling, treatment, biochemistry, medicine, metabolic science and nutrition.

No other programs teach the clinical criteria for food addiction counceling and treatment. INFACT is the only school and training accepted for certification by certification bodies worldwide.

What are the participation requirements for INFACT CFAP Training?

Students are required to actively engage in the live online courses as well as complete the following obligations:

        • Weekly submissions of assignments and activities
        • Participation in student groups who work together between sessions
        • Participation in the Treatment & Recovery Practicum
        • Presentation of a final project
        • Passing the ECB-approved final examination
What are the necessary tools for participation in the INFACT School?
        • English proficiency
        • Stable internet connection
        • Hardware: A computer, a recent comopchrome extension, headphones are recommended for privacy and audio clarity, microphone is reccommended
        • Software: Computer should be equipped with audio, video, and email, the ability to download and upload files, create presentations and documents, zoom and other online collaboratice communication capabilities
What are the steps to becoming a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP)?

Completing the 3 sections that make up the INFACT Food Addiction Treatment Certification Program will grant you an official certificate fron the INFACT School. In addition you will then be granted a certificate from the European Certification Board as Certified Food Addiction Professional.

Official application for the Eruopean Certification Board as Certified Food Addiction Professional

If you hold an active license in your U.S. State(s) of pracice. LCADC, LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Medicine, Psychology, APN, Dietitians, or other related Health Care Professional licenses and upon completion on INFACT Program requirements for completion, you can apply for and ADD-ON Certificate as a Certified Food Addiction Professional by  the Addiction Certification Board.

Certified Food Addiction Professional application

What are the requirements for INFACT Graduation and ECB Certification?

The requirements for INFACT graduation and ECB certification are the same. The ECB has entrusted INFACT to address all ECB certification requirements as part of INFACT training. Thus, if you are admitted to (and graduate from) INFACT, you are automatically qualified for ECB certification. Upon graduation, you will need to submit an application to the ECB for certification; however, the cost of your first two-year certificate is included with your INFACT tuition. ECB certification is granted with the understanding that you will perform your future work as a Food Addiction Professional according to the number of clinical supervision hours INFACT deems appropriate in your specific case.

What Clinical Supervision is provided in the INFACT Training?

Clinical supervision is an essential part of counselors’ professional advancement and the development of counseling and treatment proficiency. As such, it’s an essential component for ensuring high-quality patient care. The main goals of clinical supervision are to train, educate, support, and guide counselors. Newer counselors need clinical supervisors they can count on for mentoring, leadership, clinical direction, professional training opportunities, and encouragement.

INFACT has been entrusted by the European Certification Board (ECB) to evaluate each graduate individually regarding the number of clinical supervision hours required. INFACT makes this individual determination within 1,000 to 6,000 hours based on the following ECB-approved criteria:

Work Experience:
INFACT will consider how each graduate’s work experience relates to them as Certified Food Addiction Professionals.

Educational Background:
INFACT will determine an appropriate level of equivalence for previous, relevant education. For example, an associate´s degree in behavioral science might substitute for 1000 hours of clinical supervision; a bachelor´s degree in behavioral science might substitute for 2000 hours; a master´s degree in behavioral science might substitute for 4000 hours, and so on.

12-Step Knowledge and Experience:
INFACT will individually assess each graduate’s knowledge and experience with 12-Step recovery programs as an additional factor in determining how much clinical supervision of their future CFAP work will be needed.

Upon certification, graduates may begin practicing as a Certified Food Addiction Professional under clinical supervision. European Certification Board (ECB) certificates are granted to INFACT students upon graduation to understand that, as new practitioners, they will faithfully fulfill the number of clinical supervision hours assessed by INFACT in their future Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) work.

How has the European Certification Board entrusted the INFACT School?

The ECB has entrusted INFACT to administer the ECB-approved final examination and attest that, upon graduation, every INFACT student has met all ECB requirements for certification.

The ECB has also entrusted INFACT to evaluate each student’s need for clinical supervision of their future CFAP work and dictate each student’s requirement for clinical supervision individually.

As an INFACT student, you can rest assured that upon graduation, you will have already successfully fulfilled all of the ECB’s CFAP certification requirements (with the understanding that your future work as a Food Addiction Professional will be performed by several clinical supervision hours INFACT deems appropriate in your specific case.)

Does INFACT provide licensing?

The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (INFACT) is the world’s first and only Food Addiction counseling and treatment training that awards professional certification from an accredited certification body.

Graduates qualify to receive a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) certificate from the European Certification Board Prevention And Addiction Counseling and an ADD-ON CFAP from the The Addiction Professionals Certification Board of New Jersey, USA.

The European Certification, which is included in registration cost and received at the completion of the INFACT Program, is not a licensing – it is an acknowledgment that the INFACT School studies are compatible with a Certified Food Addiction Professional.

For already licensed professionals in the health and social professions, you can apply to the Addiction Certification Board in the USA as an ADD-ON to certification as a CFAP.

How is CFAP professionally applicable?

For those that apply for the Addiction Certification Board CFAP in the United States, the CFAP is an ADD-ON certification for those who are already licensed in practice or employment; you must be an active, licensed Health Care Professional, i.e., MD, DO, Ph.D., PsyD, Ed.D, LCADC, LPC, LCSW, LMFT, Advanced Practice Nurse (APN), Licensed Nutritionist or Dietician.

How does the INFACT School prepare students to meet all of the ECB requirements for certification as a CFAP?

ECB certification is granted with the understanding that you will perform your future work as a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) according to the number of clinical supervision hours INFACT deems appropriate in your specific case. INFACT will prepare and assist you in meeting these ECB requirements for CFAP certification.

The ECB (and therefore INFACT) requires two references at the time of application.

If your application is approved for admission to the course, you have met the ECB’s certification requirement for references.

Graduation from INFACT Program meets all 300 of the ECB’s educational requirements, including six hours explicitly devoted to counselor ethics.

The ECB has entrusted INFACT to administer the ECB-approved final examination. No further testing will be required when you apply for ECB certification.

Code of Ethics:
A signed, ECB-approved Code of Ethics agreement for Food Addiction Counseling is required for graduation and certification.

Clinical Supervision:
INFACT has been entrusted by the ECB to evaluate each graduate individually regarding the number of clinical supervision hours required, within 1,000 to 6,000 hours.

What are the Ethical Standards for Certified Professionals?

There are 8 main principles:

        1. Non-discrimination
        2. Responsibility
        3. Competency
        4. Legal and moral standards
        5. Public statements
        6. Publication credit
        7. Client welfare
        8. Confidentiality

Applicant´s recognition statement:
The applicant acknowledges that the applicant is seeking certification from the Addiction Professionals Certification Board, Inc. (hereinafter “The Board”). The applicant hereby recognizes and agrees as follows:

        1. Applicant agrees to observe and abide by the Ethical Standards adopted by The Board, which may be amended occasionally. Applicant acknowledges the present form of ethical standards attached hereto and that the applicant has read and understood same.
        2. Applicant recognizes and agrees that any certification, or renewal thereof, granted by The Board to the applicant constitutes recognition by The Board that the applicant is qualified, based on the information before The Board, for the certification granted. Applicant recognizes and agrees that any certification or renewal granted by The Board does not constitute a property right or interest of the applicant. The applicant specifically recognizes and agrees that the certification or renewal is specific to suspension, revocation, or other limitation or condition at the discretion of The Board. The applicant specifically recognizes the authority of The Board to suspend, revoke or otherwise impose limitations, restrictions, and conditions on any certification granted.

From The Addiction Professionals Certification Board, Inc. (APCB, Inc.)

Is there a conflict between 12 step sponsorship & food addiction counseling?

We are trained professionals and work in the field of addiction. Although many counselors are 2Hatters (in personal recovery and working professionally) they do not and should not represent any 12-Step Fellowship. As you have heard me say in the lectures, 2Hatters have not and are not schooled about the difference and therefore have contributed to the question you pose.

As trained professionals, we should be relating to our clients as just that, trained professionals. We are in «the power position», as we should be, which differs from how people relate in the Fellowships. We can sanction, terminate and manipulate our clients, which is not acceptable in the Fellowships. We have ethical standards, which do not exist in the Fellowships.

All trained professionals should adhere to theoretical constructs, and for 12-Step counselors, our theory comes from The Big Book. We apply that theory in our work and should define us. We are paid to do our work, whereas any work done in the Fellowship by a 2Hatter is voluntary. That is the short answer. 

This answer was provided by Dr. Guttorm Toverud who presents the Professionals Applying the Big Book course, which is included in the Professional Certification program.

Dr. Toverud has conducted these workshops for 30 years in both Norway and Sweden. More than 10,000 people have now participated. He is a specialist in using the 12-Step model for treating substance and behavioral addictions, allowing addicted individuals to learn how to live life on life’s terms.

Guttorm Toverud has a Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education with a specialty in addictions and a Master’s degree in Agency Counseling an emphasis in addictions, both from the USA. Although residing in America, he works in Scandinavia, helping clinics and public service providers establish and run 12-Step-based treatment. He also provides clinical and programmatic supervision. With a psychiatrist, he developed a model for early intervention entitled “Arriving too late… as early as possible”.

Is 12 step recovery mandatory?

When we ask for 12-step knowledge in the application process, it is not mandatory knowledge. We do ask you if you have the knowledge personally and/or professionally, referencing the standard 12 steps in the addiction model.

The INFACT School teaches the basics of treatment for food as a substance use disorder, and we explore and build on clinical guidelines for Addiction Treatment methodology.

What is Food Addiction-Informed Treatment?

Food Addiction is defined as a brain disease like alcoholism and drug addiction. It causes loss of control over the ability to stop eating certain foods and volume. The body of a food addict has become dependent on certain foods. Scientifically, food addiction is a cluster of chemical dependencies on specific foods like sugar and “ultra processed” substances or food in general. After the ingestion of highly palatable foods such as sugar, excess fat, flour, grains and/or salt, the brains of some people develop a physical craving for these foods. Over time, the progressive eating of these foods distorts their thinking and despite negative consequences, they cannot stop the behavior.

Food addiction is a DIFFERENT from non-substance dependent obesity and eating disorders. Food addiction requires a DIFFERENT approach to treatment.

While all overweight and obese people are not food addicted, chemical dependency (addiction) is one of the driving forces of the obesity epidemic. Food addiction is a more complex and difficult problem and requires special care to be properly and successfully treated.

The INFACT School (CFAP) is the only Food Addiction Professional Training providing education and certification in “Addiction Model” food addiction treatment for professional health and service providers, therapists, coaches, and fitness instructors. Only by understanding that food addiction is a substance abuse disorder can the food addict find the extraordinary support and abstinent-based treatment necessary to achieve long-term recovery.

Does INFACT School offer treatment for sufferers of food addiction?

Yes! INFACT School offers the Treatment & Recovery Practicum which is also a part of the INFACT CFAP Program.  Learn more

It's almost time! Become a Food Addiction Professional at INFACT!

Hello friends and colleagues,

The final countdown has begun! In less than a week, The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment is launching our transformative Food Addiction Professional Certification Course.

Kick-off with a 3-Day Intensive: September 6th, 7th, and 8th

Here’s what you’ll gain:

170 hours of dynamic and interactive online virtual sessions.
Exclusive access to our student platform, filled with essential resources and continuous support.
In-depth lectures and a comprehensive teaching manual to guide your learning.
A prestigious Food Addiction Professional Certificate (CFAP) from the European Certification Board.

This course is your pathway to becoming a certified expert in the rapidly growing field of food addiction counseling. With limited spaces available, time is of the essence! Seize this opportunity to advance your career and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those battling food addiction.

Secure your spot today and join us on this life-changing journey!

Warm regards,
Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir

Sign up

Did you know that we offer flexible payment plans and have limited scholarship opportunities available to help you on your journey to becoming a certified Food Addiction Professional. For more information, please message Esther at esther@infact.is.

Step into your calling and make a lasting impact—enroll today and start your journey toward becoming a certified expert in food addiction recovery. Contact us now to secure one of the few remaining spots!

Sign up today!
Eszter's Transformative Journey with INFACT
Eszter's Transformative Journey with INFACT

If you missed our recent webinar or want to revisit the valuable insights shared, we’ve got great news! The recording of our latest session, "Pathways to Recovery: Certified Food Addiction Professional Training," is now available for you to watch at your convenience.

In this 1-hour webinar, you’ll gain a deep understanding of how you can help others recover from food addiction and elevate your career through effective counseling and treatment for food as a substance use disorder.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to explore the growing field of food addiction counseling. Watch the recording now and discover how you can make a lasting impact.

Check out the recording!

Are you interested in discovering if you are a food addict?

The INFACT School now offers you access to a free diagnostic tool called the Yale Scale. If you’re curious to find out whether you might have a food addiction or just keen to see the self-report measure in action, you can complete the questionnaire below.

Once you complete the questionnaire, we will be in touch with the next steps to help you in your recovery process.

Complete questionnaire
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